Thursday, January 26, 2012

Orson Scott Card Day!

The next meeting will be held at our dear old City High's Library on February 13th at 3:30 (PM). I hope y'all won't be going out doing 'last minute Valentine's Day shopping' and will come to discuss one of the two following Orson Scott Card books: Ender's Game or Pathfinder. Please come for awesome discussion and debate!
Another thing that will be discussing The Hunger Games the movie coming out in 57 days (March 23rd). We plan on going in costume to the midnight premiere of the movie. I believe we have the 'prep-team' covered and also the role of Katniss. Please leave a comment as to who you plan on dressing up as.
Hope to see y'all on Valentine's Day Eve!

Added note: It will be easier to keep up on updates of the blog if y'all follow this blog! 

1 comment:

  1. Monica, there's been talk of having a special meeting of book club to talk about costuming for the Hunger Games movie. Has that entered more than just the vague speculation stage? Perhaps we should set one up. I know there are a lot of people who want to be a part of the Book Club entourage who are eager to find out more. I know Tes and I want to settle on a general group style and solidify roles so we can start our shopping.
